Sunday, February 22, 2009

Open Mic

This blog is just an open blog. I've decided to talk about who makes the laws for education. After reading the article called "Listening to Teachers: Classroom Realities and No Child Left Behind" I started to think about how teachers are always labeled the problem and not included in any input on the solution. It is interesting to see how a law that affects our nation's education system was created by people in government who are not involved in education. The people involved in education know education best. Micheal Jordan is a good example. He is one of the best player in basketball, but when he tried out for baseball, we clearly saw that his abilities were capable of playing at a high level.

It does not make sense that a politician can determine what goes on in public schools. I am not saying our political leaders are not capable of doing their job, but some of these politicians may have never stepped inside a public school in their entire childhood! How can we expect education to improve if the ones in have no experience in the matter?

I agree there must be change in the uphill battle for education. However, change must be made at the top. The ones making the law should be the ones entrenched in our school systems. Laws should be made not for political agenda's, but for education only.

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